Old school Easter eggs.

02-09-2009 15.00
JAKARTA, Indonesia (CNN) -- A major earthquake struck Indonesia on Wednesday -- initially categorized as magnitude 7.4 before being downgraded to 7.0 by geological officials.

Deustche Bank employees exit their building in Jakarta, Indonesia, on Wednesday after a major 7.0 earthquake.

There were no immediate reports of casualties.

A tsunami watch went into effect and quickly expired, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

The quake was centered 242 km (150 miles) from the capital, Jakarta, according the U.S. Geological Survey. The quake was about 60 km (37.3 miles) deep.

In Tasikmalaya, a city in the Indonesian island of Java, some older buildings were damaged and people panicked in the streets because there was no electricity, according to a witness named Maya.

Tasikmalaya is about 142 km (88 miles) from the epicenter.

31-08-2009 11.19
And now for the newest info from my discovery

=go here for my video=
information :

*on begining scene i'm using slick application on my n-gage
(red colour is my friend,blue colour is me,you can see i'm interact there)

*then i shoot my pc activity, i'm opening google
while opening google, i'm ping it -> ping.www.google.com and ping www.google.com -t

*back to shoot my n-gage->i'm keep interact with my friend
*back to pc i'm access my webmail(very smooth)
*back to my n-gage i'm still interact with my friend.

-i'm able to make 2 conection in the same time->simultanneously
*slick-which it's chat application on n-gage
*modem connection to pc

Now Indonesian team must read this...

For IM3 simcard provider as we know together we can use 2 setting of internet:

==data setting==
username :gprs
password :im3
access point :www.indosat-m3.net
dial number :*99# or id you have more than 1 connection on your pc ->*99***1#

==duration setting==
username :indosat@durasi
password :indosat@durasi
access point www.indosat-m3.net
dial number :*99# or id you have more than 1 connection on your pc ->*99***1#

now why i'm using this and why i write this

1.to chating i'm prefer use "==data setting=="
why? because it's cheap IDR 1/kb(pure)

2.to browsing i'm prefer use "==duration setting=="
why? because to only to open google on pc it's drain 2mb which mean it's will drain IDR 2000 with reguler pulse. So with internet pulsa, with IDR 5000 we can free browsing up to 250 minute

on my case, i'm use both setting

i think it's works on every phone with gprs connection

04-08-2009 10.00
this noon i shock when i heard at "insert" (celebrity gossip news) that our beloved Mbah Surip pass away
he just 3 moth famous but lot of Indonesia people love him, because he bring a lot of joy and smile to Indonesia through funny but meaningful songs
thank you Mbah Surip for all your work..
you are a legend in Indonesia
we will miss you...


Blast at Jakarta
JAKARTA, Indonesia – Jakarta's police chief says several suspects in the bombing of the Marriott were staying at the hotel.
Maj. Gen. Wahyono said the suspects stayed on the 18th floor of the hotel where un-detonated explosives were found after Friday's twin explosions at the J.W. Marriott and neighboring Ritz-Carlton.
Wahyono told reporters, "There were several perpetrators."
"They were disguised as guests and stayed in room 1808."
He said the attacks killed 8 and wounded 50, including 18 foreigners. Earlier the security minister said nine people died, but that number was later revised by authorities.
It was the first major terror strike in Indonesia since three suicide bombers hit restaurants on the resort island of Bali nearly four years ago.
source -> news.yahoo.com