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Must have application for your Gage/S60V1

Rename to mig33+.jar
mig33+ is java IM application that still supporting our N-Gage.very ugly appreance but...we cant do anything...sad
*Pdf Plus*
Pdf+ is a viewer for Portable Document Format (or PDF) files. Pdf+ reads and displays standard PDF files, you do not need to convert a document with your PC to a proprietary format.
*3rd project on N-Gage 1st gen*
Rename to
it's old stuff..but i think people didnt realize it til now.
it's combine from sysicon S60v3rd pack and active today app

*step 1
place "3rd custom by Cacoman" in
change the icon using sysicon

install and use active today
for fullscreen wallpaper, crop your image to 176x188

it almost can view fullscreen wallpaper

Key font
Rename to keypop.sis
i know this is old sw..but many ppl unfamiliar with this sw and nowadays rarely exist on internet..
p-keypop is qwerty onscreen you can use your left hand only to make sms/write anything(i hear this app completely safe and comfort because it's not take phone memory or something).

for font switcher is bundling with this file(thanks to evil pda the only one uploader in the internet).

you can use your own gdr file(place your own gdr file on #:/Thai Fonts)
choose second row, choose and press ok.restart to take effect.
beter than font remover only.

Rename to profimail.sis
i'm found and use profimail v 1.20 bundling with profiexplorer(i think the newest version suitable with this setting)

account name : bla bla bla
email address :
display name : bla bla bla
mail server : imap
incoming mail server :

outgoing mail server :
username :
password : youraccount password
Advance setting
ping on SMTP authentication
leave the other blank..
you can set automatic check new email time and custom ringtone notification 1 word->awesomeee
push email taste

Rename to sysicon.sis
This app help you to use my iconzpack on other page. Actually you can use my iconz without this software..but you cant change default icon like "phone","menu","music","radio",etc..etc..

Rename to fixs.sis
Fixs is the must install app for n-gage. Due to the factory app restriction on MMC. This application prevent "app main closed" or other startup failure.

Rename to fexplore.sis
For easy, comfort & handy Explore, FexplorE is beter than X-plore.usefull to get UID number(installed application),copy file from bluetooth transfer directly,password..but cannot open zip file and cannot use "file association" feature like seen on X-plore

*X-Plore 1.22 Never Expired*
Rename to xplore 105.sis
Rename to explore122.sis
Rename to keygen.exe
Just download the 2 files attached
1.X-plore v1.05.sis
2.X-plore v1.22

*If you have installed xplore v1.30 in your phone, then uninstall it then install the X-plore v1.05.sis, after installing the X-plore v1.05.sis, replace it with the modded version of X-plore v1.22, no need to rollback your date setting anymore..use keygen to register your x-plore
nb: rename keygen downloaded app to ->keygen.exe
and dont install java game on X-plore(those app ercognise jar as zip file)
credits to murad1990

*Painter Studio*
Rename to painter studio.sis
this app allow you to use "paint" as you seen on the wind0w$ XP. Basic editing picture make you easier edit picture in mobile(a lil slow indeed)..
credits to murad1990

Rename it to nlights.sis
As we know together, our ngage drain power faster than other phone. This lil app allow you to turn off keypad lamp. On my case my ngage able to stay 2 days. It useful too for s60v1

Rename it to slick.sis
The best IM app on s60v1. Support file transfer,smiley,nudge(buzz). Too bad LCG didnt develop furthermore from v0.43. Bu.. We still can use it.Just set your date to may 2009..Clock-option-settings-date-> XX-MAY-2009

Rename it to keylocker.sis
very cool and handy application, auto lock your device(with custom sound^0^).but sometimes when incoming call/sms/alarm executed,the sound fade away(didnt loud),maybe this is some bugs. But, overall it must have application

*Alarm for ngage*
Rename it to clock.sis
This lil app trully must have application for your Gage!!After you install this, there is an hiden feature revealed on our standart clock application as per attached picture. And guess what..All my iconzpack furnish with clock custom icon

*UCWEB 6.3*
Rename it to ucweb.sis
the best 3rd browser afaik, i can tell that because i do my works here right from my n-gage with ucweb..